Kitchen cabinets are a big part of your kitchen – not only do they play a large part on the practical side of things, but they are also a very important element on the aesthetic side. Because of that, it’s usually one of the first parts to be reworked when jumping into a kitchen renovation project.

But when it comes to cabinets, you have two options: replace or resurface.

Which costs less? Which is more effective? Which is better for your home?

Let’s dive in to find out!

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain

So, refacing or replacing?

Refacing or replacing?
What is the best option: replace or resurface your cabinets? Source: Country Living

We’re looking at it this way: replacing your kitchen cabinets will cost more (probably twice more) then refacing, but it’s a much simpler process because you can just find new cabinets and have them installed.

So if you’re looking for a full replacement, there’s no big mystery. Look for cabinets you love and have a professional install them for you – that’s pretty much it.

On the other hand, refacing is usually cheaper but requires more work. You need to understand exactly what you want to change, how you want the final result to look, and how much you want to change.

This is why we’re talking a lot more about refacing. That way, you’ll know what you need to consider and it should help you move the project along.

Important: Before moving forward it’s important to consider the current conditions of your cabinets. Are they in a good enough state? Have they suffered water or termite damage recently? Are they clear of mold growth? You’ll have to watch out for and repair these problems before resurfacing.

What you get with refacing

What are the benefits of refacing?

Since we’re focusing on refacing, let’s understand exactly what you get for it, all the pros, all the cons (not many) and all the options you should consider.

Here are the pros of cabinet resurfacing:

  • Almost always cheaper than replacing
  • Doesn’t require you to disassemble the cabinets
  • Your kitchen can still be used normally
  • It’s a fast project, possibly ending in under a week

And what are the cons? Well, as mentioned earlier, it tends to require more work because you have to work around the limitations your cabinets already have. Plus, a common trap is thinking you’ll spend less by purchasing your own supplies and end up spending more because you got too excited about getting the best of everything.

Now, this isn’t really a problem with the method, if you want to resurface your cabinets and you want it a certain way, that’s up to you! But it’s important to notice this early if the plan is resurfacing because it’s cheaper. It would be pointless to take this route and end up spending more, when you could have just replaced your cabinets instead.

How to decide?

Resurfacing cabinets is cheaper, but requires more work. Source: Curbed

We highly recommend setting up a budget for how much you can spend on the project and asking for free quotes on both replacing and resurfacing projects.

With those quotes in hand, you can analyse what’s the best idea for your home!

What are Your Refacing Options?

There are many, many different possible looks when it comes to veneers. You can choose different colors, patterns, textures, even reflectivity to a certain extent. The research on this part entails looking for a style that fits your kitchen and your cabinets, so the more references you have, the better!

Here are the most beautiful kitchen trends for 2019!

Can you DIY cabinet resurfacing?

You can and it would be a relatively cheap kitchen upgrade, ranging from $200 to $500 in materials and tools. But then, naturally, you would be doing all of the work and you should be well prepared to deal with all the tools you’re going to need, and also be free to spend a few days on it.

Ready for a kitchen cabinet project? Call a cabinet professional from your area and get free quotes today!


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