Kitchen cabinets may appear like simple projects on the surface, and for the most part, they are… but like with any home improvement project, it's too easy to escalate our ideas into over-ambition, which in turn, leads to frustration.

Today we’re looking into ways you can plan out a kitchen cabinet upgrade without ramping up the costs to insane levels. There are plenty of ways we can do this, ranging from simple mindset to practical tips when choosing materials!

“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Look for inspiration…

… and compare costs.

Places like Pinterest will show you millions of ideas to get inspired by. Pick your favorites and trim the list down to a handful of ideas – and now, you’re ready to make plans and compare costs.

It’s much easier to pick the best alternative this way, because you combine the practical with the aesthetics. Now it’s not just a matter of what looks best, you can already compare the price at the same time and have a much better understanding of what’s possible within your budget.

Be pragmatic

The best way to save costs is being pragmatic when it comes to your options. Keep in mind though – cutting costs doesn’t mean throwing your entire project away. Whenever you give up on an idea, that opens a slot for another one.

For example, you have a clear wall and want to install a full line of cabinets… but that would come a bit too pricey at the moment. Well, how about open shelving? Much cheaper, easier to install, and looks great with a matching set of kitchen wares!

Give open shelving a chance

Speaking of open shelves, we cannot stress enough how useful they are. Surely they’re not for everyone, but when researching ideas and budgeting your kitchen cabinet project, be sure to give them a chance.

By the way, there is a way you can turn your current cabinets into open shelves without having to replace them! 

Choose the right type of wood

Different woods types can dramatically change the cost of a project. It’s important to try and get the best quality you can afford, but it’s not necessary to go straight for the top shelf (pun intended!). By visiting stores and discussing with a professional, you can find a nice compromise between quality and price that best suits your needs!

Pullouts are nice…

… But expensive. 

Pullouts should always be seen as a cool gimmick. They are certainly useful and look very nice, but they’re not necessary for a kitchen to work. You can always find another place for your pots, pans, or bins you want to hide.

This is actually a good philosophy to keep in mind during the whole thing: if something would be a nice add-on but not necessary, then it might be wise to cut it from the project. Remember, we’re trying to keep the costs low – you can always make improvements and additions later!

Drawers are more expensive than doors

It’s as simple as that: drawers will always be more expensive than doors and you’d be wise to favor the latter. Doors are also much easier to install and maintain, so it even helps in that regard.

You can always customize your cabinets by refinishing and repainting, but also by changing the knobs to match your new look. There’s plenty of room for inexpensive customization as long as you’re looking out for opportunities!

Need more help with your project? Talk to a kitchen cabinet expert today and get free quotes in your area!


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