Decluttering is not as easy as it looks, that much is certain. But a kitchen declutter is an entire beast by itself, as this is often the most cluttered room in the house with appliances and things you think you can’t get rid of because you might need them in the future. 

You have tons of utensils, single-use appliances, mismatched sets, lone pans, old items… how do you filter through all this mess and leave only what you really need?

That’s the project for today. Let’s break this down and get you a clutter-free kitchen once and for all!

“Excellence is not a skill, it's an attitude." – Ralph Marston

Take inventory

The very first step is to uncover and unpack all the items you have. This is important because it’s quite common for us to own things we forgot we had, especially in the kitchen.

Equally common is to have items that were used once and then stored away deep in the catacombs of your cabinets to never be seen again. You want to know exactly what you own so that you can start making decisions.

If your kitchen is too big to display everything in one place, try going by section. Start with your cutlery drawer and nearby cabinets, and once that’s done, move to another section.

Time to clean up

Alright, so you have everything set up and it’s time to get to work. Onwards to our kitchen declutter guide:

Mercy is for the weak! I know, this is the hardest part of decluttering, but you have to be strict if you want to see results. I’m not saying you have to get rid of things you like, but it’s important to at least get rid of things you don’t use that are just taking up space.

Separate by usage. The easiest way to make decisions is to classify objects by how often you use them. If you use something at least once a week then that’s a pretty safe one to keep. But if the last time you used it was six months ago or never, then maybe add to the declutter pile.

Spares and extras. You don’t need three of the same kind of pan. Or two sets of knives, or three bottle openers. Check whatever you have in excess and keep only your favorite or the newest version you have. For example, you don’t need more Tupperware than your freezer can store.

Large items. Whether it’s an appliance, container, or plate collection, if you realize one thing is taking too much space, it could be time to reconsider it. Maybe not necessarily get rid of it, but at least store it somewhere else where it won’t take space away from the stuff you actually use.

Clear the fridge. You’ll often find expired condiments and useless containers inside your fridge and freezer. Give it a look and remove everything that’s overdue.

Here’s a quick list of kitchen declutter checklist of items you can probably get rid of right now:

  • Mismatched cutlery
  • Old or expired cleaning supplies
  • Old spices
  • Excessive Tupperware
  • Rusty bottle openers
  • Fast food condiments
  • Spare mugs
  • Bulky glassware
  • Towels and dishcloths you never use

Keep your most used items easily available

One of the best kitchen decluttering hacks to make sure your kitchen stays organized is to keep your most used items easy to find. The idea is to organize items based on how often you use them.

Things you use every day should be at the forefront, obviously. Everything else can be kept in other places depending on usage – and stuff you almost never use should either be stored away from the kitchen or removed entirely from your inventory.

By following that logic, you’ll be able to identify when useless items are getting in the way as well!

Make sure your storage is practical

Just because something is within reach doesn’t mean it’s practical. 

For example, if you’re keeping plates in a drawer, make sure you always have enough room to pull them without hitting anything. 

The same goes for items stored in high cabinets. Especially if it’s something you use regularly (at least once a week), it shouldn’t be hard to take it out. Bumping into plates and glasses can cause accidents!

Do your children always have a hard time reaching the glass cabinet when they want water? Consider switching things to another place to make it easier for them as well. This can even prevent accidents and broken glassware. 

That’s why decluttering is so important. It’s not just a visual cleanse, as it helps in making your kitchen more practical and fun to work in.

Maybe you need to revamp the kitchen in other ways. Get free quotes from kitchen remodelers in your area today!


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