Every homeowner has to deal with weeds in their yard at some point. They’re very likely to grow in your garden, but they can grow from anywhere, even cracks in your driveway and around your house.

The main problem is that when left unchecked, weeds will kill nearby plants to sustain themselves, stealing nutrients from nearby soil and covering the sun your flowers need to thrive. Dealing with weeds should be a priority to keep your garden safe, because the more you neglect them, the harder it is to get rid of them later on. Let me walk you through how to get rid of weeds in the most natural way possible – all without harming your garden.

Method #1: simple DIY weed killer

For this weed killer recipe, you only need to mix the following ingredients:

  • a gallon of white vinegar
  • a cup of salt
  • a tablespoon of dish soap

Pour the mixture into a bottle spray and then apply directly on the weeds, preferably during a sunny day.

This is a great method for quickly getting rid of weeds growing in cracks in your driveway, close to fences, or around the concrete foundations of your home. Basically, anywhere that’s isolated from other herbs or flowers you don’t want to harm.

If you don’t know, adding mulch to your garden is one way to prevent weed growth!

Method #2: Baking soda

Baking soda is really useful in getting rid of weeds. Similar to the previous method, all you have to do is look for spots where weeds are growing and cover them in baking soda.

The excessive salinity will easily destroy the weed growth – but once again, be careful in areas close to plants you don’t want to harm. This is a good method if you want quick results with an easy DIY solution since you usually have baking soda at home anyway.

Method #3: Vinegar

Vinegar is a great solution if you want a lighter solution to apply near your favorite plants.

Keep in mind that vinegar is still harmful to them, but if you mix one part vinegar with five parts water, you have a much safer weed killer spray that can be applied directly to weeds without much danger to nearby plants.

Choose a couple of days with lots of sunlight and apply directly to weeds. This solution may not kill them as quickly as the others, but it’s a bit safer for not harming your garden.

How to kill weeds without killing your garden

One of the main questions people ask is how to use these solutions without also killing their lawn, flowers, or herbs?

Well, Method 1 and Method 2 mentioned above are recommended for isolated weeds. They are very effective but should be avoided if the weeds are growing under your flowers or on the lawn, for example.

Another alternative method that fits in this category is to use boiling water.

Simply pouring boiling water over them is enough to get rid of the problem then and there if you don’t have any other ingredients. But first of all, be careful when handling the water so you don’t hurt yourself! Also, this method is also better for weeds that are isolated, since boiling water can easily destroy any plant it touches, as well as your lawn.

Method 3 is safer for weeds that are growing in your garden, you just have to be careful not to spray your plants directly, and it will take a few days to really eliminate these weeds, so persistence is key.

Finally, there’s a rather obvious method I haven’t mentioned so far, but it’s one of the safer ways to handle it:

Rip the weeds off by hand!

This is by far the safest way to remove weeds from anywhere without hurting your plants and lawn. Pick up a pair of gloves and a kitchen knife, and pull them trying from the bottom to really remove the roots.

This requires more effort, but it’s by far the safest way to remove weeds quickly, especially if they’ve already grown quite a bit. After this, you can fend them off by using any of the methods above to prevent them from coming back anytime soon!

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