All of us struggle with storage at some point. Cabinets are full, drawers are crowded, closets are stuffed… but you still have stuff that needs to go somewhere. Where to go from there?
Well, there are numerous ways to add storage space to your home – or at the very least, bend the storage space a bit to your favour. Of course we could just say “make an extra room or “get more cabinets and that will solve your storage problem in no time...
But that’s a bigger project for another time.
Today we’re getting creative!
Today is all about finding different ways in which to use our space to create more storage options without just resorting to adding even more things to your home.
“In a minimal interior, what you don't do is as important as what you do. – Nate Berkus
1. Hanging pots and pans

Hanging pots and pans is always a nice and easy way to make your kitchen more practical, but also clear some space in your cabinets.
A towel rack can be adapted into a hanging spot for your pots and pans, but doing so on a wall is just as easy – small hangers can be added either directly to the wall, or on a plank of wood (or pegboard) to keep everything organized, accessible, and free up some cabinet space for other things.
2. Under bed storage

This is such a good idea that it’s already being sold as such from the store – many bed frames are already coming with built-in under bed storage, like the example above.
But there’s no need to replace your entire bed frame, since improvising some under bed storage is super easy. The thing is, you can adapt the storage for your needs: if you’re just storing out of season clothing, plastic bags or storage boxes are secure enough and won’t become an eyesore anywhere else, staying perfectly hidden until the ideal season arrives.
However, you can also use under bed storage for things you actually use on a daily basis. For example, bed sheets, towels, shoes – all of these can be stored easily in boxes or containers that you can pull out whenever you need and push back under when you’re done.
Under the bed can get quite dusty, so be sure to sweep it up regularly and keep your dailies inside closed containers to protect them!
3. Pegboard organizer

Tools like screwdrivers, hammers, and nails are often all loosely stored inside a messy, dusty and eventually rusty drawer. Not only does it make super hard to find a specific tool when you need it, it can lead to lost parts and even to you or someone in your family getting hurt – what with all the pointy things loose inside a drawer.
Which is why a pegboard comes in handy here. Every major tool can be stored in a visually pleasing manner, making it super easy to find them at a glance and keeping your drawers clean for other things that are much better kept there.
4. Desk racks on the fridge

Doesn’t matter how much we try, fridges can get quite disorganized as time goes on, to the point of certain products getting “lost in the background only to be found days later when it has probably already expired.
A simple and easy way to organize your fridge is to use office supplies like transparent desk racks. Transparent ones are better for this purpose, since it makes it easy to locate everything at a glance, while encouraging a more organized placement of each product on its proper place!
Not to mention it makes it easy to stack things in ways you normally wouldn’t be able to, since you have no fear of “squishing fruits and veggies with heavier items.
5. Above cabinet storage

That tiny extra space above your cabinets can be used for storing certain items with the help of small containers. Bottled beverages and non-perishables sit well up there, but you can make the most out of it by placing them inside small transparent or grated containers.
This makes it much easier to pull an entire container with no fear of dropping things on your head – and of course, it looks organized!
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