There are several different ways that water can get into your basement, and once it does, it can cause issues with mold, mildew and even cause problems for the structure of your home. Learning how the water is getting in is the most important step to take so that you can avoid this headache and begin the process of waterproofing your basement.

Keep reading for further information on what might be causing the moisture in your basement and how to fix it.

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Clogged Gutters

You should clean your gutters regularly to avoid the issue. Clogged gutters and downspouts can not only cause water to back down into your basement, but also bring problems to your siding and foundation. Debris, including leaves, often create large clogs in your gutters, so it’s common practice to get it cleaned every few months. 

Grade Around Your Home

When your home was built, they should have put in an adequate slope to avoid water issues. If this has not been done, it may lead to an increased risk of water backing in your basement. 

To create it, you will need to use a clay-based soil to form a gentle slope. During this time you can also plant rain gardens that will help to suck up any water that would otherwise go into your basement.

Seasonal flooding

If you live in areas prone to flooding, you may see large basement water problems, compromising your home’s foundation. It is important to look for drain pumps and other options to ensure that the floodwaters do not stay in your basement if you deal with seasonal flooding.

Foundation Seepage

Foundations can settle and be porous. For example, concrete is a very porous material, making it quite vulnerable to water. While it will not cause massive flooding in your basement, it will cause seepage that may develop mold and mildew issues and make your space feel damp. 

Hairline cracks in your foundation may also contribute to water getting in. If this is your case, look for a basement leak repair pro as soon as possible.

Air Leaks

Air leaks cause moisture to build up in your basement very quickly. When there are issues with air leaks, it is recommended that you get a waterproofing service as soon as possible to help ensure that your basement stays dry.

Condensation Issues

Using your appliances in the kitchen, laundry room, and bathroom can help contribute to basement condensation. If you have an HVAC unit in the basement, it can raise the humidity levels significantly. This is especially the case if you neglect to have regular maintenance on your HVAC system.

How to Prevent Water in Your Basement

Now that you know the causes of water getting in your basement, you should do all that you can to ensure that your basement is waterproofed. There are several basement waterproofing techniques that you can do to ensure water and moisture stay out. These include:

  • Foundation repairs. Check to make sure that all your foundation is in good shape. If you see any leaks or cracks, they will need to be repaired in order to keep the water out of your basement.
  • Gutter clean out. You will want to ensure that your gutters are cleaned out, especially during the fall months, to ensure that there are no leaves or debris in the way so that water does not get into your basement.
  • Basement windows. Make sure there is no leaking water around them. Waterproofing these areas will help to ensure that during flooding, no water will enter through any cracks.
  • Sloping. If the reason why water is infiltrating your basement is due to sloping, you will need to have that fixed ASAP. Make sure to get a professional to do this so it can be done correctly.
  • Waterproofing. Make sure that you do all that you can to waterproof your basement. You can get waterproofing companies to come out to ensure that you do not have any issues with water getting in your basement, no matter the cause.
  • Routine maintenance. Doing routine maintenance on your plumbing fixtures as well as your HVAC system and appliances is imperative to help to regulate the high humidity, since it can cause issues with water build up in your basement.

Basement waterproofing can help to ensure that the area stays dry. Keeping it dry will help to mitigate mold and mildew issues and ensure that the structure of your home is safe. If you see any water issues rising, try to figure out where the water is coming from and call a basement waterproofing company.

Reach out to a basement waterproofing company and request a free quote to start your project and keep your home safe! 


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