Curb appeal is something a lot of people consider when selling a house, because they want to attract people for a visit based on a good first impression from the outside… but curb appeal is far from exclusive to home sales. Even if you have zero intentions of selling your home, there’s something special about glancing at your home when you’re parking the car up the driveway and feeling like you need to point out for passersby – “See that gorgeous-looking house right there? That’s my home.

The curb appeal we’re talking about is the sense of pride you feel when you get home, and that appeal that makes people come up to you and say “Your home is so beautiful!

With that in mind, we’re talking today about simple curb appeal projects you can take to improve your home’s outside perspective. The idea is to keep it relatively low-budget and small scale – as in, when you finish one of these projects, you can already think about the next one.

“Change your life today. Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay. – Simone de Beauvoir

1. Glam the Front Door

glam the front door
The front door is the star of the show that is your home. Source: DIY Network

The front door is often the central focus of your home’s facade, where all eyes are drawn to when they look in that direction. It only makes sense to make that the star of the show.

And there’s a lot you can do, with tons of wiggle room for different budgets. You can go for a drastic change or a simpler (but effective) makeover – we’re focusing on the latter.

A standout choice of color goes a long way here. Of course, it has to be something inline with the current paint color of your home, but it can still be something bold!

2. Power wash

power wash
Power wash makes a dramatic difference. Source: Southern Living

The thing about dirty homes is that we don’t notice it all at once. Like dust that settles on a corner a little more every day, we become neutered to the fact it’s even there – until we pass our hand through and realize just how much has accumulated.

A power wash service can cause a dramatic difference in how your home looks, so much it might seem like you’ve redone the painting. Naturally, your mileage may vary based on your paint color, type, or material, but especially if power washing is something you haven’t done in a long time, it’s a cheap and easy way to make your home as clean as it can be.

After that, you can actually take inventory and consider if you want to change paint colors or other elements.

3. Porch upgrade

porch upgrade
Porches have the potential to become something special. Source: Ballard Designs

Having a perfectly arranged little porch that feels like a small living room sounds very appealing, but that appeal tends to fade once you realize you cannot leave certain kinds of furniture outdoors at all times due to weather conditions, as they will degrade and get dirty much faster. And bringing them back inside the house every night or every time it rains is equally unappealing.

But, that is not the end.

Some types of furniture are not made for outdoors environments, but others will do just fine. And we’re not talking plastic chairs either – you can find very resilient metal, wooden or wicker chairs that look absolutely incredible.

The same goes for decoration: heavy plant pots like the ones above are great for outdoors, since they’re resilient and won’t easily topple over at the slightest gush of wind.

4. Trim trees and bushes

trim trees and bushes
A trimmed tree is a happy tree. Source: HouseLogic

Trees, bushes, and other landscaping elements are actually great additions to your curb appeal! But trees in particular can grow enough to cover the look of your home, create shade in unwanted areas, or even brush against walls or windows.

Trimming is just a way to keep things under control, and a nicely trimmed tree actually looks good in its own way.

5. Make your mailbox shine

make your mailbox shine
Your mailbox can go from not leaving an impression to becoming a main attraction. Source: HomeBNC

You’d be surprised at how much you can change a mailbox to become something of a show stealer. A fresh coat of paint goes a long way, sure, but you can also surround it with flower arrangements, add a vintage style lamp (looks beautiful at night!) and so, so many other creative ideas it’s hard to list them all.

Suffice to say, you can do a lot. Something that fits the style of your home, something entirely different, but regardless, something unique that you will love.

Do you need help with an exciting new project? Get a free quote from a remodeling professional in your area today!


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