For many Americans, the 4th of July is the biggest event of the season, and decorating the house to show our patriotism is a great way to celebrate. The holiday comes with a ready-made color palette, consisting of our flag’s three colors, which symbolize value, purity, and justice.

If you're planning on enjoying the holiday with guests at home or just with your family, check out these creative DIY 4th of July decorating ideas

Bottles with Paper Stars

Source: Erin Spain
Source: Erin Spain


  • Glass bottles
  • Chalkboard spray paint
  • Red, white and blue scrapbook paper
  • Wooden skewers
  • Twine

How to:

  • Spray paint the bottles with chalkboard paint
  • After the paint dries, write on bottles using chalk and decorate with twine
  • Cut stars out of colored scrapbook paper
  • Tape the stars on the wooden skewers

When everything is dry, place the skewers in the bottles and put them on a tray or on your dinner table.

This decoration is very easy to make, but be careful when spray painting. Use newspaper sheets or plastic bags on the floor as a lining when painting, to avoid any mistakes. 

Flag Candle Mason Jar

Source: Oh My Creative
Source: Oh My Creative


  • Mason jar
  • Small candle
  • Twine
  • Small flag photo or cloth

This is one of the easiest crafts on this list. To make it, you’ll simply have to tape or glue the flag onto the jar, decorate it with twine, and light a candle inside. That’s it! If you don’t have the time to print or purchase the flags, you can also use a red, white, and blue cloth to decorate. 

Snack Bucket

Source: A Night Owl Blog
Source: A Night Owl Blog

This patriotic craft looks great at a backyard party, and the DIY step-by-step is super easy. Even the kids can help out with this one!


  • Bushel basket
  • White and red acrylic craft paint
  • Blue bandana

How to: 

  • Paint the vertical panels of the basket using red and white acrylic craft paint, alternating the colors. 
  • After the paint is dry, you can seal the basket with a food-safe sealer for wood or simply place a clean bandana inside. 
  • Fill with delicious treats! 

Red, White and Blue Christmas Ornaments

Source: Songtre
Source: Songtre


  • Red, white and blue small Christmas ornaments
  • Glass vases
  • Mini USA flags
  • Wooden skewers

How to:

  • Place the ornaments inside the vases
  • Glue the mini flags on the wooden skewers
  • Place the skewers in the pot and arrange them in the desired place.

You probably already have all of the materials needed for this craft at home already, which makes this idea perfect for those decorating for a last-minute party. If you don’t have or can’t find Christmas ornaments this time of the year, you can easily find colored ping pong balls to use. 

Balloon Entrance

Source: Pinterest


  • Red, white and blue balloons
  • Twine
  • Balloon pump

This idea is pretty self-explanatory. Simply inflate the balloons, use twine to create a garland, and attach them to your porch. If the day isn’t prone to outdoor celebrations, then simply attach the garland to your living room to make it festive! 

Wooden Stars

Source: Just That Perfect Piece
Source: Just That Perfect Piece

This craft is great for those who have children. Invite them to the backyard and teach them how to paint the popsicles! It can be a fun little afternoon adventure that will keep them busy. Just be careful not to leave them near the hot glue gun! 


  • Red, white and blue acrylic paint
  • Jumbo popsicle sticks 
  • Hot glue and gun
  • Rope and raffia

How to:

  • Paint the popsicle sticks with red, white and blue paint 
  • Hot glue the sticks in the shape of a star
  • Tie the thread to each star once they are dry, creating a banner
  • Hang the stars all over your patio!

What did you think of these 4th of July ideas? Let us know in the comments below, and enjoy your holiday!


10 Creative 4th of July Ideas for Your Holiday Party
10 Beautiful 4th of July Decoration Ideas For Your Home Party
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