Spring is known as the season of blooming, marking the time of the year when flowers blossom all around the country. Which makes you wonder: what are the best flowers that blossom early in Spring?

If you want some early spring flowers blooming in your backyard, there’s still time to plant a few seeds and see the results before the next season. There are dozens of flowers that work well for this purpose, so I’ve selected some of the best for you!


The daffodil is usually found in the yellow variety, but there are other colors you can choose as well. This trumpet-shaped flower grows in large clumps and typically calls little attention to itself, making it safe from the local wildlife.

Glory of the Snow

Glory of the Snow is a beautiful violet and white star-shaped flower. It also grows in clumps, better in full sun to partial shade. Typically used to accompany other spring bulbs, but it looks stunning just by itself too, making it a wonderful pick for an early spring flower.

Fun fact: many plants can (and should) grow together, which is what we call companion plants.

Lily of the Valley

These adorable bell-shaped flowers are known as Lily of the Valley. They like to grow in the shade, perfect for under shrubs or trees where they adapt really well. The stems can have up to 15 flowers on them, making the Lily a beautiful sight.

Pansy and Viola

One of the most well-known flowers in the world, the Pansy and Viola are remarkable because of their vibrant colors and adorable “faces. They can be planted in gardens, pots, and window boxes, preferring full sun to truly shine.


Magnolias have some of the most gorgeous spring blossoms you will ever see. There are many types of magnolias though, so be sure to look out for the one that best suits your region. Magnolias can grow into large trees and shed their leaves during Fall, so full sun is good for them.


Primrose are some of the most vibrant flowers you can find, with intense colors in a variety of shades. Better yet, they’re known for being quite resilient, meaning they usually survive tough weather under the right conditions.

If you’re looking to add more color to your yard, primroses are a great bet, but there are other options!


The Bloodroot grows quite tall, so first of all, make sure you have enough breathing room for them! Their blooms are solitary and can typically be found in forested areas, near trees. Curiously, the name “bloodroot comes from the blood-like sap from the stem.


Gardenias are perfect for a home garden. They are incredibly aromatic, beautiful, and easy to care for during early Spring. Besides, they retain vibrant green foliage year-round, adding a lot of value to your garden.

Are you looking for perennials for your garden? Check out these shade-loving plants!


The azalea can blossom early in spring because it grows so fast, adding a lot of life to your garden. There are many varieties of azalea, just be sure to find the ones that are better suited for this season – and which colors you prefer, of course!

Virginia Bluebells

The Virginia Bluebells go through a fun transformation: from small pink buds into their recognizable blue afterward. They prefer the shade, making it a nice option if you’re looking for perennials.

Now might be a good time to give your home a landscaping pass. Get free quotes from landscaping pros in your area today!


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