East Wenatchee INFORMATION

Population: 6,495

Male 49% Female 51%
Married 61%
Single 39%

City rating

This rating is a weighted average of commute time, crime rate, population, median salary, and more.


Overall value

This score adds annual household income and cost of living to the city rating.


Density (Population per mile²)

Compared to New York, East Wenatchee has a very low population density. East Wenatchee is perfect for those who like a quiet city.

2,791 East Wenatchee
27,441 New York

City Info

East Wenatchee, WA is a great place to live. It has its pros and cons like any city, but with a quality of life rating of 9/10 and an overall value of 8/10, it’s no surprise why so many people choose to live here.

Population density is a way of determining how crowded an area is. East Wenatchee has a population density of 2,791, with 6,495 current residents.

Out of the 6,495 current residents, 49% are male and 51% are female. 61% of the residents are married and 39% are single.



Air quality

Best air quality


  • 54% Sun
  • 9% Rain
  • 27% Snow


55°F average temperature

  • 29 years Median home age
  • $236,410 Median home price
  • -6.87% Home appreciation rate
  • 11.32% Annual property tax
  • 58.8%
    Homes owned
  • 34.7%
    Homes rented
  • 6.5%
    Homes vacant


As for living in East Wenatchee, the air quality is 92% and the weather, on average, is 54% sunny, 9% rainy, and 27% snowy. The average temperature is 55°F.

Whether you’re looking to buy or rent a home in East Wenatchee, you should know that 58.8% of homes are owned while 34.7% of homes are rented, and 6.5% of homes are vacant. The median price of a home is $236,410, the median age of homes is 29 years, the annual home appreciation is -6.87% and the annual property tax is 11.32%.



Religious diversity

Other77%Catholic14%Pentecostal3%Other Christian3%Baptist3%
  • Crime rate (per 100,000)

  • Average age

  • Political majority

    Republican Republican


When looking at the community of East Wenatchee, it’s important to determine the crime rate. East Wenatchee’s crime rate is 5 total number of crimes reported per 100,000 total population. The average age of residents in East Wenatchee is 37 years and the breakdown of political affiliations is 38.45% Democratic, 59.82% Republican, and 1.73% Independent.






Student teacher ratio 1:20


  • Management, Business, Art & Sciences
  • Sales & Office Occupations
  • Service Occupations
  • Production, Transportation & Material Moving
  • Natural Resources, Construction & Maintenance
  • 82%
    High school diploma
  • 7%
    Some college or associates degree
  • 12%
    Bachelors degree
  • 7%
    Graduate or professional degree


When looking at East Wenatchee, it’s important to understand employment statistics. 6.40% of residents are unemployed in East Wenatchee (which does not include the percentage of residents who are no longer in the labor force). Of the employed East Wenatchee residents: 10.2% of employed residents work in the management and business field, 19.88% are in the arts and sciences field, 16.6% are in the customer service field, 27.3% are in the sales field, 2.98% work in farming, fishing, and forestry, 8.7% of employed residents work in the construction field, and 14.4% work in production. When it comes to education, the ratio of teachers to students is 1:20. The percentage of residents who have graduated high school is 82.19%, 7.49% of residents have an associate’s degree, 11.61% of residents have a bachelor’s degree, and 6.99% have a master’s degree.



Average commute time

National AverageEast Wenatchee Average02468101214161820222426MINUTESNational AverageEast Wenatchee Average

Daily breakdown: by transport type

  • Public
  • Car
  • Carpool
  • Work at home


If you plan on commuting to work in East Wenatchee, you should be aware that the average commute time is 19 minutes, compared to the national average commute time of 26 minutes. When it comes to commuting, residents of East Wenatchee have a few different options. 85% of commuters use their own cars, 9% of commuters carpool, 1% of commuters use the transit system, and 3% of residents work from home.

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