The image shows a Beagle giving its paw to a person, likely as part of a training trick. The dog sits on the road while the person kneels in front of it.

Teach your dog these easy dog tricks: shake paws, roll over, spin, speak, play dead, kiss, bow, sit, down, wave, fetch, back up, come, stay, and crawl. These basic obedience commands and fun tricks will please your pet and anyone who sees them!

You have probably already heard of most of these tricks for dogs, but you need to know that some are relatively easy to teach, while others will make your dog the most skilled in the park! Read on to learn more about the tricks!

15 Easy Tricks To Teach Your Dog

Besides having a dog-friendly backyard, you must learn these 15 easy dog training tricks for harmonious living with your furry friend: shaking paws, rolling over, spinning, speaking, playing dead, kissing, bowing, sitting, down, waving, fetching, backing up, coming, staying, and crawling.

1. Shake Paws

Image of a Golden Retriever puppy in a meadow putting his paw in a person's hand.

Shaking paws is one of the most popular fun dog tricks to teach your pet. To teach a dog to shake paws, begin by having them sit and hold a treat near their nose – those can be fresh-breath dog treats for extra help! Gently lift one of their paws while saying the command "shake" and reward them immediately after.

2. Roll Over

Image of a dog rolling over in the grass outdoors.

For roll over, start with your dog in the down position and hold a treat by their nose. Slowly move the treat towards their shoulder, encouraging them to follow it and roll onto their back and side. As they complete the motion, say "roll over" and give them a treat. Repeating this process will help them understand the connection between the movement and the command.

3. Spin

A dog leaping into the air in a spinning motion against a background of grass and trees in an outdoor setting.

Teaching spin involves using a treat to guide your dog in a circular motion. Begin by standing before them and moving the treat around them in a circle. As they follow the treat and turn in a full circle, say "spin" and reward them once they have completed it. You can eventually teach them to spin in both directions by alternating how you move the treat.

4. Speak

The image shows a dog with its mouth open, seemingly barking, while standing on grass in an outdoor setting.

To teach your dog to speak, excite them with a toy or treat, then wait for them to bark in anticipation. When they do, say "speak" and immediately reward them. This command can take patience, as you will be capturing a natural behavior, but once they learn to bark on command, it becomes a fun trick.

5. Play Dead

Image of a dog lying on its back in the grass, appearing as if it is playing dead.

For play dead, have your dog lie down and use a treat to lure them onto their side. Once they are lying down and still, say "play dead" or "bang" and reward them. With enough repetition, they will associate lying still on their side with the command.

6. Kiss

The image shows a man being kissed by a small dog while holding another dog by his side.

To teach kissing, hold a treat near your face and say the word "kiss" as your dog comes forward to lick you. When they do, reward them immediately. This simple trick can be a cute way to bond with your dog.

7. Bow

Image of a white dog performing the bow trick.

A fun and theatrical trick is a bow, where you capture a natural stretch. You can also guide your dog by lowering a treat toward the ground, ensuring their chest drops while keeping their rear up. As they stretch, say "bow" and reward them.

8. Sit

An image of a small puppy sitting and looking upwards.

Perhaps one of the first steps on how to raise a puppy is the simple puppy trick of sitting! Teaching sit is essential and can be done by holding a treat over their nose and slowly moving it backward. As their head follows the treat, their bottom will naturally lower to the ground. When they sit, say the command "sit" and reward them with a treat.

9. Down

The image features a golden-colored dog lying in the grass outdoors.

For down, start with your dog in a sitting position. Hold a treat in front of their nose and lower it to the ground. As they follow it, their body will move into a lying position. Once they are fully down, say "down" and give them a treat.

10. Wave

An image of a small brown dog performing the "wave" trick, set against an outdoor grassy area under a clear sky.

To teach wave, begin by teaching the "shake" command. Once they have mastered shaking hands, hold your hand higher than usual and encourage them to raise their paw without touching your hand. As they do, say "wave" and reward them that, over time, they will lift their paw in a waving motion.

11. Fetch

An image of a golden-colored dog holding a stick in its mouth while outdoors.

When teaching fetch, begin by showing them a toy and tossing it a short distance. As they chase the toy, encourage them to return it by using a happy, excited tone. When they do bring it back, reward them with a treat or praise to reinforce the action.

12. Back Up

An image of a dog walking backwards in a grassy field.

Back up can be taught by standing in front of your dog and walking toward them. As they step back naturally, say "back up" and reward them once they have moved. Gradually, they will learn to respond to the verbal cues without needing you to step toward them.

13. Come

The image features a man sitting in a grassy area with a dog, teaching the dog the "come" trick in an outdoor setting.

To teach, come, call your dog's name, then say "come" while showing them their favorite treat. Reward them immediately when they reach you, reinforcing that coming to you results in positive outcomes—practice in different locations to strengthen their recall.

14. Stay

The image shows two large dogs standing still on a porch, staying within the confines of the doorway.

Another famous command to teach your dog is to tell them to stay. They love being with their human companions, but having them in one place is sometimes necessary. The command stay involves having your dog in a sit or down position.

Hold your hand up, palm out, and say, "stay." Take a few steps back, and reward them if they remain in place. Gradually increase the distance and duration so they learn to stay until released.

15. Crawl

An image of a black dog in a crawling position on the sand.

To teach crawling, start with your dog lying down and holding a treat low to the ground before them. Move the treat forward, encouraging them to crawl without standing up. Reward them as they move forward in a crawling motion.

You can find more pet content besides these 15 easy dog tricks on homeyou's inspiration blog! Regardless if you are a cat or dog person, you will discover new tips and tricks!

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