It’s summer again, and time to open up the pool from its winter hibernation. Of course you’re going to want to start off with a strong round of chemicals to start the season off right (and algae-free). Because summer should be about spending time in your pool with friends and family, not worrying about if it’s safe to get in the water. Here’s how to open your pool for the season.
”This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see how deep it is.” - Dennis Rodman
The Basics

Before you start you’re going to need to round up a few things beforehand. These are just the bare bones minimum for proper pool care. If you have these leftover from last year, great, otherwise it might be worth stopping by your local pool gear outletter. In any case, here are the “opening pool after winter algae” tools that you’ll need.
- Test strips
- Pool shock
- Pool brush
- Garden hose
- Thread seal tape
- Skimmer
- Gasket lubricant
- Cover cleaner
- Start-up chemical kit
- Soft broom
- Pool cover pump
The Chemicals

You should always take a moment to familiarize yourself with the chemicals you’ll be using, even if you’ve done this before and you know what you’re doing. It’s very important to keep the pool’s pH levels on par so that you don’t attract harmful biological growth in the pool. Chemicals can be dangerous when used incorrectly, so be sure to use gloves and safety goggles. Here are the basic opening pool chemicals you’ll need to use.
- Algaecide
- Water clarifier
- Metal sequestrant
- Calcium hardness increaser
- Alkalinity increaser
- pH increaser
- pH decreaser
- Chlorine
Clean and Store the Pool Cover

When applicable, it’s completely beneficial to clean off and store away your pool’s cover. You might use a special pool cleaning chemical to do so, or simply bleach it and rinse it off. In any case, keep it tucked away and stored for the end of the season to prevent damage like holes from forming. This is especially helpful when learning how to open an above ground pool for the first time.

Get all of that debris out of your pool. Leaves, twigs, dirt, and the occasional amphibian will try to enter your pool, even with a pool cover on. This is usually a larger problem for in-ground pools but even new above ground pools start collecting small debris. So be sure to skim the top of your pool, and then use the vacuum to clean everything that settled on the floor.
Get that Filter and Pump Going
FInally, there’s a reason your pool comes with a filter and pump system. This will also help clear out debris and purify the water. It essentially acts as the heart of your water filtering system. It’s good to know how the filter and pump system works for your pool. This is especially true when learning how to open a saltwater pool.
Looking to get started enjoying your backyard pool? Or did you need one installed first? Get in touch with our professionals to get started and see how much that would cost you!
Continue Reading:
- 4 Simple Steps To Get Your Pool Ready for Summer
- 8 Steps to Make your Green Pool Clean Again and Save the Rest of Summer
- How to Clean and Maintain Your Pool
- Quick and Easy Swimming Pool Maintenance Guide