Whether you’re repainting your entire home or a single room, finding the perfect color can be difficult. Color trends always come and go quickly and can leave homeowners in the dust if they aren’t following the latest fashions. That’s why we’ve put together an overview of the most exciting shades on the 2016 Pantone color palette to give you an edge on the cutting edge style that’s going to be everywhere in the months ahead.

Interior painting in pantone
Find out the Pantone color palette of 2016. Source: Pantone

This year the palette is filled with a wonderful mix of serene, tranquil colors and bright, bold colors. The palette is a juxtaposition of urban vibrance and earthy vegetation and all of the colors are sure to produce a happy atmosphere for you and an envious one for your guest. Check out the palette and you’re sure to find the colors you’ll love.

Rose Quartz

Perfect for painting the walls of a children's room
Rose Quartz is the perfect color for a baby’s room. Source: Beauty Stat

Rose quartz is the perfect color for a baby’s room - girl’s or boy’s - because it is soothing, gentle, and compassionate.

Peach Echo

Great for children's playrooms and such
Peach Echo would look fabulous in a child’s playroom. Source: Ticked for Happiness

This playful orange color is perfect for a kid’s playroom. It is a friendly and welcoming color that evokes accessibility and warmth.


Feel the serene moments with this Pantone color
Serenity is a calming color that is perfect for any bedroom. Source: Design Mena

As its name suggests, the Pantone color Serenity is a tranquil and calming color that is perfect for any bedroom.

Snorkel Blue

Aquatic visions that relax and decompress
Snorkel Blue would look great in the bathroom! Source: Sudati

This happy color is an instant trip back to relaxing vacations and oceanic escapes. It’s the perfect color for a bathroom or a sunroom.


Your baby love will be singing build me up my buttercup
For a bright kitchen, go for Buttercup. Source: Noa T-Disena

If you’re looking to brighten up your kitchen walls with happiness and sunshine, Buttercup is the perfect color for you.

Limpet Shell

Just the right indoor paint coloring option for laundry rooms
Limpet Shell is a crisp color that’s perfect for the guest room or laundry room. Source: Fashion Trendsetter

Perfect for a guest room or laundry room, Limpet Shell is crisp, clean, and fresh.

Lilac Gray

Any room can be matched with lilac grey paint
Lilac Gray is the best choice for pretty much any room in your home. Source: Sprae

When looking for a neutral color with an edge, look no further than Lilac Gray. The subtle hint of lilac mixed with basic gray gives this any room with this color a modern look.


Few paint colors are as self-explanatory
To add some excitement to a room, choose Fiesta. Source: Sudati

When you need to bring some fiery excitement to a room, Fiesta is the color for you. This bold and vivid color is the perfect contrast to other serene and calming colors in the 2016 palette. Since nearly all shades of red have been shown to stimulate appetite, Fiesta is the perfect color for your dining room or kitchen.

Iced Coffee

A very New England vibe for a few reasons
If you’re looking for a New England vibe, opt for Iced Coffee. Source: Fashion Trendsetter

This earthy neutral color is perfect for any room in your home. It is a strong base color to use with any of the other colors in this year’s palette.

Green Flash

Bright, vibrant interior paint jobs for the home
Give your home office an update with Green Flash. Source: Fashion Trendsetter

This bright and bold color brings a sense of adventure and nature to your room. This would be the perfect color for an accent wall in your home office.

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