One of the steps of remodeling a house is to get ready to go through the whole thing. You can plan and plan every single detail, but you always need to be ready to face new decisions and unexpected situations along the way.


How to prepare for your remodel? What’s the best way to face this with a positive attitude? Well, here are eleven tips that will help you face anything during the project!

“Those who want peace should prepare for war and be strong. - Avigdor Lieberman

Communicate with your contractor

Keep in touch with the contractor so you know what's going on.
Keep in touch with the contractor so you know what’s going on. Source: Pexels

Once you’ve hired the right contractor for the job, you will need to keep in constant communication with them. That is for coming up with the best schedules and checking the progress as you go through the project. You probably already discussed dates and times for the renovation to happen, but unexpected situations may happen and you will need to know about it.

It’s important to keep in touch to avoid surprises along the way!

Consume what you have

A big home renovation means you probably won’t be staying home for a while, so buy the least amount of things possible and try to consume everything you have before the first day of the project. That way, you’ll reduce the packing up and won’t have to deal with rotten food or expired products in the future.

Establish a storage area

Your garage is a great space to use as storage.
Your garage is a great space to use as storage during the remodel. Source: Pexels

For the things that don’t really have an expiration date or just any furniture, appliance, or decor piece that’s in the room being remodeled you’ll need to find a new place for them during this time. If there’s a room that won’t be renovated, that’s your go-to space for everything that needs temporary protection. The basement and garage are both good storage places, but if there’s simply not enough space inside your house to store what you need, consider renting a storage unit.

Update security system

Depending on the project, you’ll probably be spending a lot of time away from your home, so it’s better to be safe. To keep your mind at ease, consider updating your security system, for instance:

  • Using a video doorbell to monitor deliveries
  • Installing smart locks
  • Getting an in-home safe for important documents

Have an appliance plan

Store appliances that won't be used during the remodel.
Store appliances that won’t be used during the remodel. Source: Unsplash

You might be wondering what does it mean to have an appliance plan, and I’ll tell you:

It means you need to think of ways to use appliances during your home remodel, especially if you’re doing a kitchen renovation. You will need to downgrade a few things while the project is on the run, a minifridge and an outdoor grill might become your BFFs during this time.

Also: don’t forget to store away appliances that could damage or break during the remodel!

Take an audit of your belongings

This means you need to put together a list of all the permanent items in your home, maybe take some photos too. This will be really helpful if you need to activate your insurance, for example.

More than that, and this may sound a bit repetitive, but I just need to say it:

Store away everything you can! Take the opportunity to declutter your home and donate (or throw away, depending on the situation) a few things.

Spread sheets of plastic to protect your home

Cover everything with sheets to make cleaning easier later on.
Cover everything with sheets to make cleaning easier later on. Source: Unsplash

The contractors will probably do these themselves when they start working, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Get some plastic sheets and cover up anything that you’re not able to remove or store away, that way you’ll avoid dust and cleaning will be a lot easier once the job is done.

Order the materials

If materials are not included in your contract, you will need to order them as soon as possible. The last thing you want is to have the process taking longer because of a mistake, so the sooner you get the materials needed, the better for your home renovation.

Just be careful not to rush into it too much at the point of buying in the first store you find, do some research previously so you can make good purchases and stick to a budget while getting good-quality material.

Be ready to make quick decisions

Unexpected decisions might come your way, be prepared.
Unexpected decisions might come your way, be prepared. Source: Pure WOW

There’s no escaping from it, the unexpected always happens and it’s better to be ready to face it. You will probably need to deal with last minute decisions like choosing a new paint color, a finish for the bathroom tiles, or a new light fixture.

Store contracts and receipts

Talking about storing important documents, you will need to find a safe place for your contracts and receipts for the home remodeling project. Ideally, it’s best to get digital versions of these documents to ensure you won’t lose them. When you go digital with these things, you can even use share spreadsheets so your contractor also has access and can update whatever is needed over there. All the important information will be available in just a few clicks!

Come up with a plan for the pets (and kids)

Keep your pets safe by taking them away during the renovation.
Keep your pets safe by taking them away during the renovation. Source: Unsplash

Construction sites are dangerous for everyone, but mainly animals and children. If you have pets and/or kids around, you’ll need a plan to keep them away from the house during the project. At a relative’s house is the best choice for you since a big project will probably take more than just a weekend. However, if it is something that’s quicker to get done, ask a friend for a favor.

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