After the long, frigid winter homeowners are now faced with a chimney and fireplace which is more damaged and worn-down than it has been in quite a long time. For the vast majority of homeowners this damage will result in dangerous, time-consuming problems that will require urgent, expensive chimney and heating system repairs. That said, the cost, scale, and necessity of these repairs is often not a result of winter damage alone. Most of the damage and expense comes as a result of not responding to the winter damage until the following autumn when homeowners are planning on using their fireplace again without properly and promptly responding to winter damage in the early weeks of spring and allowing the damage to worsen through the long spring, summer, and autumn months. For just that reason, homeowners with chimneys and fireplaces that endured a good amount of use and wear and tear through the winter should be sure to look into repair, maintenance, and chimney sweeping services in the spring season as soon as possible. Here are just a few reasons why:
Fire Safety
Through the winter months, use of your fireplace and chimney creates a build-up of pollutants and creosote which adhere to the walls of the chimney and can ignite when touched by the heat and sparks of a new fire. Additionally, through the months when the fireplace is not actively in use, wild animals can often nest in the structure and leave debris which pose a serious fire risk which can quickly create an emergency situation.
Structural Safety
An often-overlooked cause of damage for chimney and fireplace systems, moisture buildup and water damage can quickly accumulate in the snowy and rainy seasons, resulting in significant damage to the mortar holding the entire structure together. If this damage isn’t properly repaired quickly after the spring season begins, the effects of the water damage can quickly result in structural damage and potential collapse. Getting in touch with professional masonry specialists is an absolute-must in order to keep the safety of your home and family intact for as long as possible.
Air Quality Safety
From the combined threat of moisture buildup and pollutant buildup, many chimneys and fireplaces become a significant hazard for the indoor air quality of homes through the months when they aren't being used. In many cases, in fact, toxic materials like the previously mentioned creosote and certain species of dangerous mold growth can develop which can easily decrease the quality of the air your family breathes in every day. Getting in touch with professional chimney sweeping and repairing contractors can significantly decrease this risk and improve the living condition of your home as a whole.
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