Do you know why it’s so important to hire a qualified and expert professional to deal with roofing problems? Your roof is key in protecting your home from exterior elements - especially during the winter.

More than that,

Roofing services are quite the investment. So you need to be sure you’re hiring the right contractor or you may end up needing to hire someone else to fix the mistakes from the previous service. And nobody wants to spend money on the same thing over and over again, am I right?

Check out these tips to hire the best roofing contractor!

“Being the best at whatever talent you have, that's what stimulates life.” - Tom Landry

Take Your Time

Be patient and talk to at least two professionals.
Be patient and talk to at least two professionals. Image source: One Project Closer

When we say “take your time”, we mean:

Don’t rush into the project and hire the first person you find.

Not only because of a budget estimate issues, but you also need to know what to ask your contractor so you can fully trust them to work on your house. Things like:

  • Have you done similar projects?
  • Can I see some pictures of previous projects?
  • Could you provide a references list?

If the first one you talk to has all the answers and all the qualifications, that’s great!

However, be patient! Don’t just hire the first person you were recommended, make your research to avoid regretting anything.

Check Work History

A contractor's license is essential to close the deal with a professional.
A contractor’s license is essential to close the deal with a professional. Image source: Bob Vila

As mentioned in the previous point, you should always ask for a references list - at least three should be a good number to have a basis on the contractor’s work and trustworthy.

More than that,

Ask for the contractor’s license!

If the professional you’re talking too doesn’t have those to provide, or is delaying to give you those informations… Well, don’t take it as a good sign and find somebody else for the job!

Read the Contract

Read the whole contract to understand everything you're dealing with.
Read the whole contract to understand everything you’re dealing with. Image source: Unsplash

It may happen sometimes that we hire someone we already know and trust, but still, you should never skip this step! Read the contract!

You need to:

  • Understand all terms of agreement
  • Make sure this contractor is bonded and insured
  • Check if materials are included in the price
  • Understand warranties

Don’t be afraid to ask your contractor about any doubts you may have.


You’re hiring someone to do the job, so if you wish to change something on the contract, they should at least be open to discuss about it. If your contractor just denies your request upfront or comes up with an excuse, reconsider hiring this person.

Before Work Begins

Make sure your contract knows what they're doing for a beautiful roof service.
Make sure your contractor knows what they’re doing for a beautiful roof service. Image source: Real Estate

It’s really important to know if the roofing service you need will require a permit. Even more important is to acquire that permit before your contractor actually starts the job.

If you’re hiring a professional from a roofing company, they usually already pull the permit for you.

But just to be sure, ask the contractor if the service needs a permit and if they can deal with it.

More than that,

If the service is from an insurance claim, you will also need to make sure all procedures are being followed.

Set a Payment Schedule

Paying with your credit card gives you more peace of mind.
Paying with your credit card gives you more peace of mind. Image source: Home Bunch

Nowadays it’s hard making big payments in cash and upfront. So, instead, set a payment schedule in a way it works for everybody. The most common agreement is half before the service starts and half once it’s done.

Tip: Using a credit card to make this type of service payment is more efficient if something happens. Meaning: it’s easier to get your money back!

Stick to local pros when hiring a professional roofing contractor - get a free quote!

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