The summer season brings high temperatures and plenty of sunlight, which can be a problem for potted plants that require plenty of water and shade. That’s why it’s important to prioritize hydration for your plants during the season, just as you would for yourself. 

However, there is a proper way to water potted plants that you need to follow in order to give your plants the TLC they need. 

If you’ve been taking care of them since spring or even earlier, follow this guide to make sure your plants thrive throughout the rest of the year. 

“I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars. – Walt Whitman

Create a Schedule

Since potted plants tend to try out more often, it’s important to water them more often than you do the ones on your garden or lawn. 


Factors like your climate, the position of the plant relative to the sun, the type of plant and the size of its pot will all play a role in how often you should water them.

Ideally, you should feel the top few inches of your plant’s soil to see if it’s dry or wet. If it’s dry then you need to water it. 

For best results, it’s advisable to water your plants at dawn or at dusk when it’s cool, because while the sun is out they won’t absorb the water properly.


Most potted plants perform just fine when watered twice a week during the summer season. 

Use Plant Trays

It’s important to place saucers underneath your potted plants for a number of reasons. 

For one, they act as a sort of water reservoir for your plants in the summer. They prevent water from seeping out and allow your plants to soak it up long after you’ve watered. Another reason is that they help by keeping the surface (either your deck, a windowsill or wherever you placed the plants) clean. 

You can even take it a step further by pouring water into your planter saucers so they always have moisture to draw on. Just don’t take it overboard and leave your plants sitting in water for days on end. 

Fertilize Regularly

Potted plants need a significant amount of soil nutrients in order to thrive and keep evolving. 

  • Use a high phosphorus fertilizer in plants that bloom in flowers during the middle of the season. 
  • For lush foliage, opt for a fertilizer that’s high in nitrogen. 

Move Your Plants Close to the Sprinklers

Summer is the perfect season for weekend road trips and vacations. Should you decide to go on a trip outside the city, consider moving your plants close to the sprinklers so they can get some water while you’re away. 

Place your potted plants directly in the garden bed if you have to and ensure that your plants stay hydrated while you’re out. 

Trim Your Flowers

Are your perennials and annuals slowly looking worse? This happens sometimes and you can encourage flower production by getting rid of larger flowers one by one. 

This is a great strategy to employ, especially if you’re taking care of zinnias and dahlias. 

Here’s a great method

The “ponytail method works great for plants that bloom in smaller flowers. Simply get a bunch of flowers by the handful as if you were making a ponytail and shear the older ones off using your other hand. This will encourage the plant to grow new ones. 

Use Living Mulch

Mulch is a great way to prevent evaporation and it helps to cool down the soil. Shrubs and potted trees respond well to living mulch in the form of ground cover plants. 

Opt for low water plants so there’s enough moisture to go around for all. For instance, you could plant succulents beneath an orange tree to prevent water loss while beautifying the area under the tree. 

Put Your Potted Plants Under Partial Shade

If you notice your plants starting to wilt, then you should definitely consider moving them away from direct sunlight during the height of the day. 

Pay attention to weather patterns and make sure to move your plants when heat waves are predicted or use a patio umbrella to cover the area if the plants are too large to move. 

Well, there you have it! Now that you know how to water plants, they will thrive and form a beautiful potted plant garden this summer! 

Need some help with your lawn or garden? Contact a local landscaping company and request a free quote! 


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