Concrete countertops are fantastic options for your countertop needs, but as with everything, they have advantages and disadvantages you should consider before investing. We can tell you right from the start that it's a very solid pick for a countertop, and it won’t let you down.

But let’s get into the nitty gritty. Concrete countertops are certainly solid alternatives that can even be DIY’d, so what else should you know to make a decision? Let’s find out!

“There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart. – Jane Austen

Pros and cons of concrete countertops

pros and cons of concrete countertops
Source: BHG

Pro: concrete is highly durable

It comes as no surprise that concrete countertops are highly durable, being the same material used to make sidewalks, driveways, and foundations. This makes it so it’s very unlikely it will suffer any damage, if at all.

Con: still susceptible to cracks

Despite the high durability, you still have to be careful with heavy objects and high temperatures, just as much as with other countertops.

Pro: cracks can be easily fixed

Any small cracks that could show up with time can be fixed fairly easily. And again, you need a decent level of care with any other countertop material as well, and concrete can be sealed to make them even more resilient.

pros and cons
Source: HGTV

Con: concrete is more susceptible to staining

Probably the most well known flaw when it comes to concrete countertops. Indeed, concrete needs proper sealing to handle staining – the porous surface is susceptible to absorbing liquids and growing bacteria over time if not cared for properly. 

Even then, you have to be extra careful with things like oils, wine and coffee. 

Pro: just as good as most other countertops

Yes, concrete is susceptible to cracks and probably more to staining than other countertop types, but to be honest, any of them can crack or stain. So don’t take these as exclusive downsides to concrete countertops.

There’s some argument to be made on which one stains less, but concrete is still one of the most durable of the bunch, so if you like the way it looks, you don’t have to worry too much as long as it’s properly sealed and maintained.

Con: DIY is extremely time consuming

diy concrete countertop
Source: DIY Network

You can DIY concrete countertops, but it’s definitely not the easiest project and we don’t really recommend you try it – unless you already have experience with this kind of work. 

The idea behind most DIY is that you can save some money by putting in more work, but in this case, especially if you’ve never tried anything like this before, it will be a lot of work and a lot of time. It might not be worth all the effort. And if you decide that it is, you can expect to wait almost a month for your concrete counter to fully cure, which is plenty of time to wait.


Concrete countertops are certainly not the easiest to DIY, but getting one installed by a professional is cost effective, and you’ll get yourself a highly durable solid countertop that can last a long time. Just be sure to regularly reseal it to prevent staining and cracking!

Need more help with a countertop project? Talk to a countertop expert today and get free quotes in your area!


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